Detail of fabric manipulation sample

Katharine Pleydell-Bouverie, Small vase, used as a sample for a box ash glaze, 1930s.
� Managed by the Crafts Study Centre.
Available from VADS

Project Outputs

Project Milestones

Ref: workpackages document

  1. Project plan (PDF) workpackages (PDF) budget (PDF)
  2. Project Web site and blog
  3. Monthly progress reports
  4. Environmental Assessment Report
  5. Research Data Management Discussion paper
  6. Technical Analysis Report
  7. Training Plan
  8. Four Institutional Workshops for visual arts data managers: [links go to presentations] GSA/GOLD/UCA/UAL
  9. Toolkits for visual arts researchers

    Introduction to Research Data

    Data Management Planning

  10. Toolkit for visual arts data managers
  11. Managing the Material

  12. Four Institutional Data Management Policies: [links go to policies] GSA/GOLD/UCA/UAL
  13. Four Institutional Business and Sustainability Plans:

    IT Costs report and model

    Business and Sustainability Plan Template

  14. Pilot Demonstrator Service
  15. At least three external presentations/papers/publications
  16. Five case studies GSA/GOLD/UCA/UAL/Technical
  17. End of project conference: RIBA, London, Wednesday 6th March 2013
  18. Final report


For regular updates on progress please follow us on Twitter or visit the blog.

The Project Team are using SlideShare as a central area for storing presentations and other public documents: